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” we intend to spread love in a body ” 

In 2019, I was initiated to Reiki, a practice of channeling life force through living entity.
A practice of calling for life force to connect, listen, realign the flow of energy within a body or an entity. To me it is a practice merging meditation, praying and healing (understand as alignement with life force). Basicaly we intend to spread love in a body. We use the hands as the main sensor and actor by letting them wander over the body, following a sequence of posture that has to merge with the intuition of the moment.

As I was learning and starting to practice Reiki, I had the strong feeling of unfolding something that was waiting inside from a long time. I had the feeling of doing the right thing, of using innate skills sleeping within. 

In my firsts sessions, I did an exchange with an other practicionner. A women that I just met at this time. I didn’t know nothing about her life and we weren’t connected on social network (in the meaning that I could know nothing about her, even incounsciously) 

” the conditions were gathered for me to be sensitive and receptive ” 

I came very light, without expectation. Actually I smoked some weed the day before, and I was thinking that it wasn’t right or that I wasn’t aligned or grounded enough to do a session. Anyway I went for it, and been able to rest my mind and body, to transform the self-judgement toward trust and humility. I believe that, if this judgmental thought about my condition of being still a bit high was not relevant, it has been very usefull, as it allowed me to come humble, without any expectations, and very light. I was on empty stomach, so the conditions were gathered for me to be sensitive and receptive. 

” Images came to me.
I couldn’t explain how, but they were very clear. ” 

I did a session following intuition and going out of the posture sequence learned. Pretty quick, I felt drawn to connect with her third eye. I place my hands on her head. I stayed there for quite a long time I think. 

Images came to me. I couldn’t explain how, but they were very clear. 

First I saw the shape of the masculine. The shape was very sharp, but the inside was transparent like absent. I received the message of an absent and missed father, and of an absent and missed boyfriend/husband. It was very clear that this woman has a part of her suffering from the lack of a masculine presence from both a long time ago and through current events. After the session when I told her, she explained me that she losted a father at a young age and that she broke up with a boyfriend from a long term relationship few days before. 

” I saw a dog. Very clear. I never saw him before, but then I could recognize him if I meet him in person. ” 

In a second time, I saw a dog. Very clear. I never saw him before, but then I could recognize him if I meet him in person. He was outside in the grass, I could see him moving, I could feel his character, very clear. I was feeling that the dog was missing her very much, very intensily. 

At this point I couldn’t believe it, despite the clarity of the visions. I told her “it’s probably stuff created in my mind, but I saw a dog, very clearly, I could feel that he was missing you so much” She looked very surprised and explained that her dog was let with her boyfriend and that he was like a son for her. Wow my rationnal mind couldn’t believe what just happened. 

I went on google to find a picture of a dog looking like him like if i needed to verify in a way rationnal way what was going on. Then I asked the woman to send me a picture of the dog. Woooow I could recognize him instanlty. Crazy. He was this dog! 

For few days, I was both very excited and very scared! My mind kept rolling : “what happened?” “Fuuuuck, This is so magic”. But at the same time, it was like discovering a new door, and perceive through the keyhole a whole new world possible. It was like if I was openning the door just a little to put the head in the new world and see how vast it is. A limitless space filled with bright light. My mind couldn’t get it. I was so willing to enter but I couldn’t “understand” how to! There is no floor in this world, I can’t walk in! It was like everything that i learned from the tangible reality was useless, was even a misconception! How to “walk in” a world where there is no floor? Later I will slowly understand that the work to get in is about maintaining myself available and receptive, and allow the world to take me when it is time to. 

From that day, I had many more similar experiences.

I am still on the path to figure it out! I feel like a little bird who just took flight, did the jump, spread my wings and flap. Searching for ease and trust that willl allow me to glide and soar. 


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