This man is trully part of my evolution as a man, as human.
When Alexander asked me for a shoot to present men circles and his coaching work, I felt very excited to contribute to such beneficial and goodwilling activity, as I had experimented by myself the circles he is facilitating.
Alexander showed me an other way to perceive and embody masculinity. He works to open safe space fill with an intention of getting together in true humbleness.
To connect from our trueself. Unmasked.
I never experimented such openess between men, such strenght to expose themself and put themself in a vulnerable way. To allow themself to express their edges to others.
To get together in our light and our shadow, to connect through that mirroring effect and transcend the layer of our stories to unite in something much bigger, common to all…
I am speaking about a support of hearing and allowing all my being to be seen as I am. No judgement, no rule in favor, just true presence and goodwill of compassion, a deep connection and trust to hold everything that can comes up. A space where men don’t cling on finding support in their stories or in finding a confortable support by blaming the outside, a place where men meets, expose themself, embody with their emotions, learn about themself, offer reflections and expand their compassion and self inquiry.
To find deep resonance in other’s shares, and connect with a feeling of being more than the bodies that we are living through during this lifetime.
This is now part of my life, and definitly support me to connect to magic.
I would say that :
“Opening to true unmasking and expose in vulnerability allows magic to flow in”
To get in touch with Alexander visit this link.